Men of CHS Teach, CCSD’s Male Teachers of Color Pathway

Charleston County School District is committed to building a diverse teacher workforce and preparing all students to be global citizens. In collaboration with the University of South Carolina, CCSD offers a certification pathway for minority males who seek to earn an SC teaching certificate in the fields of Early Childhood or Elementary Education. The pathway uses a cohort model to provide mentorship and target professional development. Men of CHS Teach is FREE to minority male candidates who meet the eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree or Higher
  • Minimum of 2.75 GPA
  • Has Not Completed Student Teaching
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Charleston County School District


The Charleston County School District (CCSD) offers TeachCharleston as an opportunity for bright, talented individuals to pursue a South Carolina teacher certification in elementary education, world languages (Spanish, French), art, music, business/marketing, computer science, middle-level math, middle-level science, middle-level English, middle-level social studies, as well as high school math, science, English, and social studies.

The three-year job-embedded teacher development program provides training and professional learning in a cohort setting to prepare and support selected participants for classrooms in CCSD.

Eligibility Requirements

Elevate CHS

Charleston County School District is committed to filling every classroom with a highly qualified teacher and preparing all students to be College & Career Ready. Elevate CHS works to accomplish these goals by engaging high school students in a 120 hour teaching internship, Trident Technical College dual enrollment classes, and a “Buddy Program” where students mentor their elementary school peers in reading and mathematics.

Elevate CHS students participate in:

Eight Course Dual Enrollment Sequence (Starting Junior Year)

Teaching Internship (120 hours)

Career Focused College Visits centered around the schools College of Education

Mentor through a “Buddy Program” at elementary schools targeting reading and math

Scholarship Application Assistance

Our Initiatives

Math Incentive

Charleston County School District offers a robust salary incentive for individuals working within the area’s high-poverty schools*. By offering this incentive our goal is to obtain and increase students’ access to effective educators that can truly help make a difference.

Learn more about the math salary incentive by clicking the document below. If you’re ready to get started, apply now.

Scholarship Opportunities

Charleston County School District works closely with the Centers for the Re-Education and Advancement of Teachers in Special Education and Related Services Personnel (CREATE) to offer scholarship funds to Special Education Teachers.

Learn more about the available scholarship funds and eligibility requirements below.